Chuck Holton
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Chuck Holton is an American war correspondent, published author, and motivational speaker.
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September 12, 2024
Israeli Government Press Office Boots Al Jazeera

The Government Press Office is revoking the GPO cards of Al Jazeera journalists working in Israel, following the unanimous government decision in May to shut down the channel in Israel and prohibit its broadcasts.

GPO Director Nitzan Chen: "This is a media outlet that disseminates false content, which includes incitement against Israelis and Jews and constitutes a threat to IDF soldiers. Therefore, the use of GPO cards in the course of the journalists' work could in itself jeopardize state security at this time of military emergency."

The revocation of GPO cards will be subject to a hearing and will include Al Jazeera journalists and broadcasters in Hebrew and Arabic, but will not include the channel's producers and photographers. The revocation will be valid for as long as the Knesset legislation and the temporary order are in force.

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Cell Phone Pagers go Boom in Lebanon

This is something the Mossad has done before

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“It is no small thing, when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.” - Charles Dickens

September 16, 2024
Tonight’s dinner in Northern Armenia
Episode 622 - Field Producer Dennis Azato and Chuck Reminisce

My erstwhile field producer and cameraman Dennis Azato has accompanied me on ten years of adventures across the globe. Today he joins me in Ukraine and we spend some time remembering our many trips together.

Episode 622 - Field Producer Dennis Azato and Chuck Reminisce
Very Likely Israel Attack on Lebanon Happens in Next 24-48 hours

The scale of the unfolding "event" that just happened in Lebanon, in which at least 2,100 Hezbollah operatives or affiliates were wounded or killed by exploding pager devices, is likely a "kickoff event" for a ground invasion. This is just a gut feeling, but we will see very shortly.

post photo preview
September 16, 2024
From today’s travel around Armenia

That sign behind me says “ice cream”. Haha.

the advice on preparing for post election chaos is very much needed. I want to hear all of Chuck's thoughts. JD

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