Chuck Holton
News • Politics • Culture
Chuck Holton is an American war correspondent, published author, and motivational speaker.
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September 29, 2024
US Embassy in Iraq Under Assault

Just received this message from a source in Iraq:

“Thousands of Iraqis are on their way to the USEMB in Baghdad Iraq based radio/tv channels are openly calling for the people to storm the US Embassy.”

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Proof of Iranian Missiles being fired last night

They apparently did not close their airspace before firing.

Palestinian Arab man killed in Jericho last night

GRAPHIC: this was the only death attributed to Iran’s attack on Israel last night

More video from tonight’s attack by Iran
Episode 622 - Field Producer Dennis Azato and Chuck Reminisce

My erstwhile field producer and cameraman Dennis Azato has accompanied me on ten years of adventures across the globe. Today he joins me in Ukraine and we spend some time remembering our many trips together.

Episode 622 - Field Producer Dennis Azato and Chuck Reminisce
IAF hits Beirut Again
October 04, 2024

More news today. A fellow pastor friend our ours found an incendiary device on the roof of the church today and recently had graffiti written on the back wall of church. This is a first time issue of this kind. The church is located in a small quiet city in Northern California. My husband is a pastor in Nevada but at the moment we are using a community center to gather in, I guess that’s good news and bad news. My point is please pray for our churches and God’s protection over His places of worship. Also, pray for protection for all Christians in the upcoming days. Big thank you to Chuck for his generosity to allow us access to his two documents. I have shared them with our pastor friend. Thank you all and may God bless you and keep you safe.

This video mentions the FBR at the disaster....( however I can find nothing on their website about operating in the U.S.
?Are there other "chapters" of the Free Burma Rangers??
On a side note: I thought it revealing that everything (airspace..ect.)shut down when the politicians came near.
Prayers for all in our world suffering (especially those w/o Jesus.)

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