Chuck Holton
News • Politics • Culture
Chuck Holton is an American war correspondent, published author, and motivational speaker.
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Video from Gaza Today

Look closely - other than the generally dirty streets - which wasn't abnormal before the war, how healthy do these people look? Does it look like your idea of famine?

America Bombs Gaza

This is the result of the Biden administrations genius plan to airdrop food to people in Gaza. People in Gaza are getting killed from the airdrops.

Anybody know what kind of bird this is?

It laid its eggs in the middle of a gravel lot. Out in the open. Very strange to me.

Episode 622 - Field Producer Dennis Azato and Chuck Reminisce

My erstwhile field producer and cameraman Dennis Azato has accompanied me on ten years of adventures across the globe. Today he joins me in Ukraine and we spend some time remembering our many trips together.

Episode 622 - Field Producer Dennis Azato and Chuck Reminisce

When you hear me talk about how Col MacGregor is full of smoke - this is why. Ryan McBeth dismantles MacGregor on Ukraine. And Tucker Carlson too.

If you CARE about understanding the war in Ukraine, and don't want to be influenced by Russian propaganda, you must watch this video.

Chuck, just saw your Tulsi Gabbard video and it was really really informative and helpful in getting people to understand why we can’t (automatically) take politicians at their word. I hope you don’t mind if I post the link here.

People this is really a great example as to why doing your own fact checking is so important.

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