Chuck Holton
News • Politics • Culture
Chuck Holton is an American war correspondent, published author, and motivational speaker.
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IDF Combat Footage from Gaza

This was released on May 28. Shows some of the action happening in Gaza now.

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September 18, 2024
Walkie Talkie Warfare

Multiple explosions can be heard coming from this building in the second wave of communication devices that were being used by Hamas terrorists.

September 18, 2024
Video from Additional Explosions inside Lebanon

From the funeral of one of those killed yesterday - another booby-trapped handset goes off.

September 17, 2024
Cell Phone Pagers go Boom in Lebanon

This is something the Mossad has done before

Episode 622 - Field Producer Dennis Azato and Chuck Reminisce

My erstwhile field producer and cameraman Dennis Azato has accompanied me on ten years of adventures across the globe. Today he joins me in Ukraine and we spend some time remembering our many trips together.

Episode 622 - Field Producer Dennis Azato and Chuck Reminisce
September 20, 2024
Tatev Monastery

Southern Armenia.

September 20, 2024
Lebanese Army Will Join Hezbollah

Here is your reminder that the United States sends $300 million a year worth of military hardware to the Lebanese Army, which is also trained by units from the United Kingdom.

The Lebanese ambassador to London gave a speech today, insinuating that the Lebanese army would join in the fight against Israel, in the case of a ground invasion

September 20, 2024

Good Morning, everyone. Prepping: 😏 let me be the first to admit it's mind boggling to think about. Where to start?!? What do I need? Only you know that. I can give you my list, but, it will be different from yours. If you really want to "plan ahead" with your house, then it starts with a list. UGH-paper and pen 😏 WATER- FOOD-SHELTER.
#1- Learn from the past, get wisdom, get understanding. Always remember God said what He meant, and meant what He said.... Isaiah 33: 15-16
PRAY! We cannot hear a word from Him, if we have the TV going, and the noises of normal life, screaming for our attention. You are where you are. Adonai knows what you will need, where you live. Ask, and expect answers. Know the difference between His still small voice, that is prompting you to buy a bucket of wheat, or some dry milk VS the BUY these 10 things- NOW! If the voices are screaming buy up all the batteries that you can get your hands on, because we "might get hit by", and you spend 100 bucks on batteries,...

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